There will be given background information during the workshop but the main focus is on experiencing what mindfulness can mean to you.
Participants who already have mindfulness experience are welcome to join this workshop in order to refresh their knowledge, maintain their practice and learn a few new exercises which are not taught during the 8-week Mindfulness Training.
Are you interested in training your mind on a deeper level?
Then, come and join the 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training.
When: momentarily only on request
Time: see above
Where: online
Price: depends on duration and group size
Language: English, Dutch or German
Trainer: Vanessa Kossin
Let's start this first Sunday morning in February together with a simple and relaxing Mindfulness Meditation.
This is a nice way to either learn more about mindfulness by experiencing it in the moment or, if you already have mindfulness experience, practise together in a group with like-minded
All levels of experience welcome!
Join us and leave relaxed, maybe even with a smile and share your happiness the rest of the day with others.
You are also welcome to join the Mindfulness and Positive Psychology session starting at 10:00, of
Are you interested in training your mind on a deeper level?
Then, come and join the 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training.
When: Sunday, February
Time: 9:00 – 9.45 (door opens at 9, we will start at 9:05)
Where: Centrum aan het Spaarne, BELL and ROOM 1
Fee: Smile and SHARE YOUR HAPPINESS! :-)
Optional: maybe you want to bring an extra pair of warm socks and a blanket or warm sweater.
Language: English
Trainer: Vanessa Kossin
Looking forward to meeting you during the Happiness Route here in Haarlem ;-)